* Presides at club meetings and the Executive Committee
* Supervises the work of Officers and Committees
* Be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominations Committee
* Does not serve as Chairperson of any committee
* Set the Board and Club meeting schedule for each year
* Secure a meeting room space(s) at the host site (currently Chapin Memorial Library)
* Develop the agendas for the Board and Club meetings
* Lead Board meetings
* Support Board members in their roles and activities
* Review Club documents for accuracy, completeness, and suitability
- Meeting minutes
- Membership forms
- Speaker contracts
- Registration forms for special events
* Post ACPL newsletters to GSGC Facebook page
* Monitor GSGC Facebook page for “requests to join”
* Monitor and respond to inquiries sent to the Club’s email address
* Provide a copy of Saturday’s meeting agenda to the Secretary to facilitate the efficiency
of taking meeting minutes
* Distribute monthly meeting minutes to the membership via email
* Deliver to his/her successor in office all accounts, record books, papers, or other property belonging to the Club within four weeks following completion of term of office
First Vice President
* Presides in the absence of the President
* Fills the office of the President in case of a vacancy
* Assists the President in other matters
* Performs other duties as assigned
* Deliver to his/her successor in office all accounts, record books, papers, or other
property belonging to the Club within four weeks following completion of term of office
Second Vice President
* Presides in the absence of the President and First Vice President
* Assists the President when called upon
* Performs other duties as assigned
* Deliver to his/her successor in office all accounts, record books, papers, or other property belonging to the Club within four weeks following completion of term of office
* The President will provide a copy of Saturday’s meeting agenda to facilitate the efficiency of
taking meeting minutes
* At the meeting exchange thumb drives with the Membership Coordinator so that their thumb drive
may be updated with the data from the two most
recent months
* Record and distribute draft club meeting minutes (Word or pdf file), via email, to the Board
Members within 10 days of the Club meeting
* The Board Members shall review club meeting minutes and provide comments within a
reasonable time (5 days)
* REVISED – The final version of meeting minutes (Word file) used to be sent to the President for
final review before he/she distributes to the Members, along with a copy to Laura Fazekas
at fazekas@chapinlibrary.org (needs monthly attendance and speaker info). The Secretary
will now send out the meeting minutes, in PDF format, after adjudicating any comments.
* Maintain an official file of the club’s meeting minutes
Maintain and distribute the Board of Officers Contact List
* Maintain and distribute the Board of Officers Position Description List
* Maintain and distribute the Club’s Calendar Meeting Dates
* Confirm both meeting rooms are reserved for the upcoming year
* Performs other duties as assigned
* Deliver to his/her successor in office all accounts, record books, papers, or other
property belonging to the Club within four weeks following completion of term of office
* Collect and maintain an accurate record of all donations and expenses and deposit funds into the Club’s bank account
* Pays all bills and reviews the club’s BB&T bank account balance each month
* Submits an annual report at the next regular meeting following the close of the fiscal year on December 31st
* Circulates the Genie Jar for donations and reports the amount to the Secretary for inclusion in the meeting minutes
* Pays for lunch, fees, etc. for guest speakers and their associates
* Pays for any members expenses authorized by the Executive Committee
* Pays for the Club’s website domain and pays $500 to the Chapin Library in October for use of the Ancestry program
* Pay annually $45 for continued membership in the Federation of Genealogical Society (contact Cheri Passey to discuss
before authorizing payment)
* Performs other duties as assigned
* Deliver to his/her successor in office all accounts, record books, papers, or other property belonging to the Club within four
weeks following completion of term of office
(perform other duties as assigned)
* Members develop and coordinate future speakers and/or presentations
* Coordinates, procures, and collects money for name badges, lanyards, etc. and forwards any expenses or income to the Treasurer to
deposit in the bank or may deposit the money directly in the bank if his/her name is on the bank account.
* The name badge, lanyard and two country and/or state ribbons cost $5.00. Additional ribbons are $0.25 each.
* Have sufficient forms available for members to complete.
* Collect the forms and appropriate monies and order the ribbons of the member’s desired countries and/or states.
* Print out the name badge following the prototype on the computer and change names on the format to make the name badge.
* Assemble the lanyard by putting the printed card into the plastic holder and attach it to the lanyard.
* Place the name badge, lanyard, and requested ribbons in a plastic sandwich bag for the recipient, who then selects the
desired order of ribbons to be displayed.
* Keep track of the inventory of supplies and place orders as needed.
* Coordinates the Office Depot and Office Max 10 Rewards Programs for the club
* Accepts used printer ink cartridges from club members and turns them into Office Depot or Office Max each month
* Account was initially established by Susan Perhala but any new point of contact must establish
their own account
* Members must know and use the appropriate account and/or phone number when making purchases in order for the account
to receive Reward Dollars
* Check the account each month to ensure Reward Dollars were posted and are available
* Ensure that at least $10 is spent on our Rewards account each month (check online account)
* Purchase item(s) with Reward Dollars when available and sell those items to club members
* Turn over any monies to the club Treasurer
* Collects and maintains a record of pictures, newspaper clippings, accomplishments, activities, etc. about the Club and its members
* Organizes and maintains a scrapbook of club activities for each year for review at club meetings. (The Club scrapbook
from 2002-2014 is presently maintained in the Resource Room, second floor, at the Chapin Memorial Library)
* Develops a list of members willing to be a mentor and those members who are seeking a mentor
* Coordinate the initial meeting and introduction of mentors and mentees
* Provide a mentor and mentee sign-up list at each monthly meeting
* Maintain an updated list of mentors and mentees
* Apply “user friendly” tools to design the Club’s website
* Update the Club’s website with information related to meetings, speakers, events, and presentations
* On an annual basis, research options for hosting and design tools to make recommendations to the Board Officers
* Serves as point of contact between the Board Officers, the commercial domain, and web hosting companies on issues related
to payment and technical issues
* Regularly checks the Club’s email, respond to inquiries, and requests for information related to Club activities and inform the
Board Officers on email inquiries
* Remain up-to-date on genealogy information, websites, resources, events, and update the website as appropriate
* Qualifications include the willingness to learn and apply “user friendly” web design tools and the ability to organize information
in a format that supports genealogy research
The Membership Coordinator facilitates communication between the GSGC Board and members by maintaining electronic
records and by displaying relevant printed forms at club meetings.
* Attendance at the Meetings of the GSGC and its Board
-arrive at GSGC meetings at least 40 minutes prior to their start
-retrieve the orange membership basket from the bin inside the storage closet adjoining the meeting room
-display forms in the order listed below along with accompanying materials and sundries on the two tables that have been set up at the meeting room’s entrance
-greet attendees, assist with registration, answer questions and provide requested informational materials
-exchange jump drives with the Secretary so that the Secretary’s drive may be updated with the data from the two most recent months
-call Harry’s Breakfast Pancakes [843-448-8013] at 11:30 or shortly before the end of the meeting to reserve seating for those who wish to attend this Dutch treat lunch
-retrieve the membership forms listed below for data entry
-retrieve membership materials and sundries [the Genie Jar, pens, markers, name tags] from the tables and from club members, place them in the orange basket and return it to the storage room bin
-assist with stacking chairs
-provide the club’s President and Secretary with tallies of returning members, visitors and new members in attendance, as well as application updates, current applications on file and total membership within a week after each GSGC meeting so that the data may be added to the minutes and, if applicable, impact the Board’s agenda
-attend GSGC Board meetings each month and share current tallies related to membership and application updates as well as requests for assistance, subjects of interest and expertise to share noted from the latter
Maintenance and Retention of Membership Forms
* Member Sign-in Form:
-revise monthly with meeting date and application updates as well as additions and deletions to membership
-save each month’s form in its assigned folder to both jump drives
-print a copy for display at the next GSGC meeting on the table adjacent to the meeting room door
-retrieve to record attendance on that month’s Personal Information Table in Excel
-share current tallies related to attendance at the next meeting of the Board
-retain forms until transfer in July and January to Technical Support personnel for scanning
* Harry’s Breakfast Pancakes Sign-up Form:
-retrieve the form master from one of the two jump drives
-print 12 forms in January labelled with month and year
-store forms in their labelled folder in the orange membership basket in the GSGC bin in the storage closet adjoining the meeting room
-retrieve and display the appropriate form at each GSGC meeting on the table to the right of the sign-in sheets and next to the Genie Jar
-call the restaurant [843-448-8013] at 11:30 or shortly before the end of the meeting to reserve seating for those who wish to attend this Dutch treat lunch
-retain forms until transfer in July and January to Technical Support personnel for scanning
* Visitor Sign-in Form:
-retrieve the form master from one of the two jump drives
-print 12 forms in January labelled with month and year
-store forms in their labelled folder in the orange membership basket in the GSGC bin in the storage closet adjoining the meeting room
-retrieve and display the appropriate form at each GSGC meeting on the table to the right of the sign-in table and next to name tags, markers and the Club’s information cards
-give the form to the president as the meeting is about to begin and retrieve it at meeting’s end
record information provided by each visitor on the Visitors’ Table in Excel
-add the number of those visitors who do not become members of the GSGC to the attendance tally in the Personal Information Table
-retain forms until transfer in July and January to Technical Support personnel for scanning
* Membership Application Form
-retain the form master on the two jump drives
-retrieve and revise annually prior to the December meeting and discuss proposed revisions at the December meeting of the Board
-save the revised form to both jump drives in .docx and .pdf formats
-send a copy of the form in .pdf format to the webmaster in December for publication on the GSGC website
-print and display 50 – 100 forms during the months of December, January, and February when mandatory renewals peak
-provide approximately 15-20 forms for each subsequent month
-display to the right of the Visitor Sign-in Form
-collect the forms and update the Personal Information Table and, as appropriate, the Visitors’ Table in Excel as well as the Member Sign-in Form in Word and the Gmail list
-share current tallies with the Board related to membership and application updates as well as requests for assistance, subjects of interest and expertise to share with the Club
-retain forms until transfer in July and January to Technical Support personnel for scanning
* Mentee/Mentor Sign-up Forms:
-retain the form masters on the two jump drives
-retrieve, revise and print as requested by the Mentoring Coordinator
-store forms in their labelled folder in the orange membership basket in the GSGC bin in the storage closet adjoining the meeting room
-give to the coordinator prior to the start of the meeting for display on the table at the front of the meeting room next to the lanyards and for retrieval at meeting’s end
* Special Interest Group Sign-up Forms:
-recognize that these groups, which at any given time may vary in number and focus, are independent and their activities and contact information are not monitored or provided by the Club
-retain the form masters on the two jump drives
-retrieve, revise, print and offer for display as requested by the SIG Coordinators
-store forms in their labelled folder in the orange membership basket in the GSGC bin in the storage closet adjoining the meeting room
* Maintenance and Retention of Records in Excel and Word
-create and save to each of the Club’s two jump drives a folder entitled 20?? GSGC each January
-create within this annual folder additional folders to house the Personal Information Table spreadsheet, the Visitors’ Table spreadsheet and the Member Sign-in Sheets for which monthly updates are retained
-retain forms’ masters in a separate folder that spans years
-provide folders within this folder to retain annual revisions of Membership Applications and Membership Coordinator position descriptions
-retain these electronic records until directed otherwise by a vote of the GSGC Board
-create a copy of the Personal Information spreadsheet each year following the December meeting
-entitle it 20?? Delinquent Members and delete from it all members who attended at least one meeting during that calendar year
-submit the resulting spreadsheet of delinquent members to the President, the Secretary and the head of Technical Support before the January Board meeting
-ask the GSGC President to send the annual “Be Back” email to those identified in the analysis
-purge those who do not respond to the email requesting retention from the GSGC roster with the approval of the Board at their February meeting
-provide the President, the Secretary and the Head of Technical Support with the final list of deletions
* Maintenance of the GSGC Gmail Account